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Phil , Philoctetes , who was voiced by Danny DeVito .

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Q: What was Hercules sidekick in the cartoon?
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What was the name of Hercules sidekick in the cartoon series?

I'm pretty sure it was Jasmine.

Who was Hercules' sidekick?

His sidekick was Captain Hastings.

In what myth did Hercules occur? was a cartoon? might still be one....

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Why do you need to keep telling the stories of Hercules?

Well Hercules is a greek super hero and a god and the stories of Hercules are great and it is cartoon with a play

What was Hercules side kick in the cartoon?

In the now-obsolete (sadly) independent cartoon on Hercules, there were three main characters. Hercules, of course, his wife, Hera ( a Blonde looked like a Movie star in a modified Empire Bikini costume. Their (Child) and comic-relief THING- Newton. Newton was a centaur-like beast-man, he was a child. Body form suggested a Calf or an immature Yak -long side tresses like various species of dogs. Newton seemed to be voiced by a female actress, had a girl-like voice. He was sort of a narrator as well as a comic-relief character. This was NOT a Disney or Warner Brothers cartoon.

Who does the voice for the cartoon character in the airborne commercial?

Andy ,conan's old "sidekick"?

On the TV cartoon I Am Weasel what is the name of I.M. Weasel's not-so-bright sidekick?

I.R. Baboon

What cartoon character name begins with b?

Bobalouie (Yogi Bears sidekick)

Green Hornet's first cartoon sidekick?

There has never been a Green Hornet Cartoon. Green Hornet started as a radio program and later became a comic book and TV show. Green Hornet's sidekick is Kato.

Name of a cartoon character that starts with the letter h?

Huckleberry hound, Homer Simpson, Hercules.