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Q: What was Hideki Tojo's childhood like?
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What is hideki tojos nick name?

The Razor, because he's cool like that!:))

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What is hideki tojos work history?

See Wikipedia.

What is Hideki Tojos Nickname?

"かみそり" Kamisori, or "The Razor".

What is hideki tojos obstacles in early life?

I could not find fine details about Hideki Tojo's early life. He was a military cadet and had to follow in his father's footsteps. That was probably a tall order. See link below.

What is the Korean name of aira tojos?

Kim Soo Ra

What was life like for the Japanese people living under Hideki Tojo?

Hideki Tojo died because he wanted too.

How was hideki tojo's childhood?

he lived in a neuigbourhood called hiroshima he lived in a neuigbourhood called hiroshima he always dremnt of being in the army, like all the other children in japan =]

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