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"Let the people rule!"

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Horace Hill

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Q: What was Jackson's campaign slogan in the election of 1824.?
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old tippeconoe and tyler too

What was the confusing four-way campaign that ended up in the house of representatives?

Election of 1824

Who is campaign supporters believed they lost the election of 1824 because of a corrupt bargain?

he farted

Is it true that the last election based on the old elitist political system was the four-way presidential campaign of 1824?

Yes it is true.

Who decided the election of 1824?

The US House of Representatives settled the 1824 election and chose the president in early 1825.

What was the corrupt preident election of 1824?

The 1824 presidential election did mark the final collapse of Republican-Federalist political framework.

Who did Andrew Jackson receive support from in the 1824 election?

Andrew Jackson received the most support from Southern Farmers in the 1824 election.

The Election of resulted in great victory for political democracy?

The election of 1824

What did Andrew Jackson receive the most support from in the 1824 election?

Andrew Jackson received the most support from Southern Farmers in the 1824 election.

Who did Andrew Jackson receive the most support from in the 1824 elections?

Andrew Jackson received the most support from Southern Farmers in the 1824 election.

What election did Andrew Jackson lose?

In 1824, Jackson won more electoral votes than any other candidates but did get the required majority, so the House decided the election and they decided against Jackson and elected John Q. Adams. People did not run for President in those days the way that they do now. The fact that Jackson was not made President did not damage his future chances the way that losing a campaign does today. Jackson won the 1828 election fairly easily.

Which 1824 republican presidential election was decided by?
