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Q: What was James Watson opinion on the national government passing High tariffs?
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What was George Hicks opinion on the national government passing high tariffs?

tarrifs are taxes on IMPORTED goods. He agrees with the national government passing high tarrifs because he has strong business interests

What percentage of the national income was attributed to tariffs in 1790?

By the 1790's the revenue from tariffs provide 90 percent of the national government's income.

Why did southerners oppose a strong national government?

They worried a strong national government could eventually challenge the right to own slaves and might impose higher tariffs.

Why did government pass tariffs?

the government passed tariffs to raise taxes

What was Jeffersons opinion of protective tariffs?

He was against it

By the 1790's the revenue from tariffs provided what percentage of the national government's income?

its eaither 90% or 50% or 100% or 10%

What was one of Jackson goal as president?

eliminating the national debt, rotating government jobs, evening out tariffs, removing Indians west of the Mississippi, and reforming the Second Bank of the United States

What government actions would violate the principles behind GATT and the WTO?

increasing tariffs on imported goods

What are three ways in which the Constitution strengthened the national government?

It created a national bank, proposed the power to enforce tariffs and taxes to pay debt, and also that the entire national debt plus interest was to be paid in full

What national reforms did national assembly introduce?

the elimination of internal tariffs.

What did the federalists believe in?

The federalist wanted a strong nationalistic US with a sound fiscal policy. They called for a national bank, tariffs, and increased relations with the British crown.

How did Hamilton deal with national debt?

tax on whiskey and tariffs