

What was Morse codes use in the civil war?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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to send a message overseas.

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Q: What was Morse codes use in the civil war?
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What war was going on when Samuel Morse invented Morse Code?

There was no war occurring when Morse invented Morse Code. The closest chronological war would have been the Civil War which occurred about twenty years later.

What were the secret codes used for in the civil war?

There were many codes used in the civil war, but the most common one was the quilt code.

What simple communication device during the civil war transformed how the war was fought?

The electrkical telegraph, by Samuel Morse.

When did they use Morse code?

The first word war

How did the invention of Morse code impat the growth of the us?

The telegraph and Morse code made communication faster and easier to do. It also contributed to helping union troops in the civil war.

What was the importance of Morse code in the civil war?

The Civil War was the first major war in which orders from the capital could reach the battlefields in minutes, instead of days. News of victories and setbacks reached the capital and newspapers in minutes. The telegraph and Morse Code made it possible for the actions and reactions of war to be more directly controlled by the leadership and for the public to learn of events as they happened.

How did Morse's work affect America?

It helped America break important codes and send secret messages to help win the war.

Why was Samuel fb Morse important in the industrial revolution?

Samuel Morse had made a faster and efficient way to communicate to one another. The Morse code was used by the single-wire telegraph (which Samuel Morse had made, developed from the classical telegraph).The Morse code was helpful during the Civil War. That was the time in which the Morse code had become the most famous.-HD

Did Americans commonly use forks before the civil war?

No. They did not use forks until after the civil war.

What is a sentence with the words Reconstruction and black codes about the South after the Civil War?

The black codes started and ended in the process of the Reconstruction.

What are the elements of the black codes?

The Black Codes were laws put in place in the United States after the Civil War with the effect of limiting the basic human rights and civil liberties of blacks.

What are three black codes?

The Black Codes were laws put in place in the United States after the Civil War with the effect of limiting the basic human rights and civil liberties of blacks.