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After an American U2 planes discovered installation sites being built in Cuba by the soviets, Kennedy called together the National Security Council, DOD, etc. to discuss what to do with this. We came up with three options. 1)Invade Cuba-Bay of pigs was a failure. 2) Air Strike- were afraid if we did do that ,t hey would shoot our planes3) Leave it alone. No one was really satisfied with those three option so we decided to Quarantine AKA Blockade Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis scared everyone to death; we were on the verge of nuclear war. In 1963 the US and the Soviet Union Signed a nuclear Test Ban Treaty which banned the testing of atomic weapons. A hotline was also set up between Moscow and Washington D.C.

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Q: What was President Kennedy's response to the Soviet's putting nuclear missiles into Cuba?
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What were the soviets tying to install in Cuba?

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Why do you think Kennedy decided to remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey?

It started with the Soviets setting up launch bases, in Cuba, that could hold Inter-Mediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBM). After a lot of laws and failed missions, the Soviets decided that they will remove the missiles from Cuba, if the US would remove the missiles from Turkey, and around Europe.

How did Kennedy avoid the war?

The Soviets (Russians) removed their missiles from Cuba.

Who was the president who ordered the blockade of Cuba in 1962?

John Kennedy ordered this blockade to stop the Soviets from delivering missiles to Cuba. The incident is known as the Cubam missile crisis.

How did the Cuban missiles come to an end?

The U.S. agreed to not invade Cuba. They also agreed the removal of U.S. missiles in Turkey in return the Soviets took the missiles from Cuba.

What island did the Soviets place their missiles during the cold war?

Well, for starters, the Soviets wanted to place their missiles in Cuba because of the USA's missiles in Turkey. As a result this became later known as the Cuban Missile Crisis and led ultimately to some reductions in (nuclear) arms by both sides.

What are some of the reasons for the Soviet placement of missiles in Cuba?

The Soviets already knew that the US had nuclear missiles in Turkey, placing nuclear missiles in Cuba would simply achieve nuclear parity. Also following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion the leader of Cuba Fidel Castro wanted assurance from the Soviets of their security against future invasion, the Soviets believed that nuclear missiles would provide this security at the least cost.

What happened Cuban missile crisis?

The Soviets withdrew their missiles from Cuba at the threat of war.

How many nuclear missiles did the Soviets set up in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

i know 6 SS-4 Nuclear missiles

Which US president shot a missile at Cuba?

John F. Kennedy Actually there were never any missiles fired during the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK instituted a blockade to stop Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba, the Soviets backed off without a missile being fired.