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Q: What was Rousseaus idea of goeverment?
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What was Rousseaus idea of government?

He believed government came from society , he hoped people would vote for what was best for the community .

What were Rousseaus beliefs on government?


What are Rousseaus hobbies?

art and science

Where are Henri Rousseaus paintings displayed?

In the British Art Gallery!

How do people describe Henri Rousseaus work?

his work was excellent

What was the main subject matter of Henri rousseaus work what materials did he use in his work?

Henri Rousseau used oil paint for his paintings.

What describes Jean Jacques rousseaus concept of a social contract?

An agreement between people in a society to give up some of their rights in order to form a stable government

Did Pestalozzi believe that Rousseaus ideas needed to incorporate a more thorough psychology of learning?

Yes, Pestalozzi believed that Rousseau's ideas on education lacked a comprehensive understanding of how children learn. He emphasized the importance of understanding the psychological aspects of learning in order to develop effective educational methods that cater to the individual needs of each student. Pestalozzi's approach focused on hands-on experiences and observation to facilitate learning.

What were Jacques Rousseaus beliefs?

Rousseau thought society was greater than the individual. Through the individual's involvement in society, one could succeed. He believed that humans were rational (like Locke) and believed in a state of nature. Now, a state of nature is the imaginative idea of a world without government. We would still have a modern society but not an government. With that in mind, Rousseau believed human beings would be rational and run society for the greater good if a state of nature existed.Also, Rousseau also criticized Hobbes often for his idea that humans were naturally greedy people, and that Hobbes' idea could not be rationally used in the state of nature.

What kind of animal watches over the sleeper in Rousseaus painting 'Sleeping Gypsy'?

A lion watches over the person in the painting. 'Sleeping Gypsy', 1897. The painting is quite large at 6 feet 7 inches by 4 feet 3 inches.

What are some team names beginning with word idea?

The Idea Icons The Idea Idols The Idea Ideals Ideas in an Instant Ideas and Imagination Ideas with Impact The Idea Implementers Idea Importers Idea Intensity The Idea Investigators The Idea Inquisition Ideas with Insight The Idea Instigators The Idea Instruments The Idea Intelligentsia The Idea Invasion

What kind of idea is the main idea?

The main idea is the central point or key concept that the author is trying to communicate to the reader. It summarizes the main focus or message of the text.