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1. Much smaller population.

2. Total absence of manufacturing capacity. (Sherman reminded them that they couldn't make a single boot or shoe.)

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Q: What was The Biggest disadvantage of Southern States during The Civil War?
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What was the biggest economic disadvantage of Southern States during Civil War?

The successful Northern blockade, preventing the Confederacy from importing the war supplies it needed, having no manufacturing capacity of its own.

What was the agricultural status of the southern states during the Civil War?

The agricultural status of the Southern states was extremely high. Over 80% of the South's economy came from agriculture. Whilst industrially, it was in the dumps, while the North's industrial economy was boosting. That was a huge disadvantage for the South during the civil war.

How long did the southern states secede?

The Southern States seceded from 1860-1865, during the course of the Civil War.

Facts about the southern region?

The southern region of the United States was known as Dixie during the American Civil War. The southern region includes 16 states and the weather is typically warm and humid during the summer.

What During the Civil War what was the position of the southern states about slavery?

They felt it was the states right.

During the civil war what was the position of the southern states about slavery?

They felt it was the states right.

Southern states formed this during the civil war?

The Confederacy

What was the capitol of southern states during civil war?


How many northern and southern states were there in the US during 1860?

either 22 states or 24 states

What was the biggest disagreement between the north and south during the 1800's?

In the United States the biggest disagreement during the 1800's was over the issue of Slavery, that is wither or not it was just, moral and fair to buy and sell humans to do common manual labor. The northern states believed in a strong federal government that could and should decide to outlaw slavery. The southern states believed in a weak federal government that would leave the issue of slavery up to each individual state to decide as they saw fit. This disagreement lead to the decision of the southern states to withdraw from the United States of America (USA) and form their own sovereign country called the Confederated States of America (CSA). This withdrawal of the southern state from the Union then lead to the Civil War.

What did the Southern states name their country during the US Civil War?

The Confederate States of America.

What was the name that the southern states gave themselves during the civil war?

The Confederate States of America