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The animal farm is a communist settlement Orwells' book works on many levels: it could almost be a childrens book. What it does do is illustrate power. Or perhaps more precisely the abuse of power. It shows how the truth gets lost in time, and that Propaganda can be made to be believed. Quite simply there is no Communism in Animal Farm: there simply is no equality. Orwell goes out of his way to show & emphasise inequality & difference. One size does not fit all. That some animals are more equal than others does not show equality, it shows inequality in its basest kind. It shows that for the farm to prosper there has to be hardship & suffering, but that this is not suffered by the ruling elite. It exemplifies Totalitarianism, which is what he (Rightly) saw in Russia at the time.

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Q: What was The communist settlement in Animal Farm?
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What was George Orwell's opinion of communism?

George Orwell was a socialist. He definitely opposed communism, you can tell by what happened to the communist settlement in "Animal Farm".

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