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WW1 was called a world war, because in effected and involved most, if not all of the countries in Europe, Australia, some of Africa, and America. The major powers in the war can be defined as the axis (Germany, Italy, and Spain) and the Allies (France, England, and later America).

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Q: What was World War 1 called a world war?
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the whole war that's why its called world war

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What was World War 1 called before World War 2?

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The First World War ( 1914 to 1918 ) was also called "The Great War " at the time.

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Because it progressed on to World War 2

Why was World War 1 called the Great War?

it was war against the great countres of the world

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World War 1.

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its the only war called world war 1

When did World War 1 got its name?

At the time it was going on, it was called "The Great War" and "The War to End All Wars". Loosely, after it was over, it was sometimes called "The World War". Once World War II began, it automatically became "World War I".

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Vietnam was called Vietnam after World War 2.

What was world war 1 called before world 2?

"The Great War".

Why was the war 1914-1918 called a World War?

Most of the world fought in it.