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Indentured servitude in colonial America was a form of legalized slavery where individuals would work under a contract for a set period in exchange for passage to America or other benefits.

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Q: What was a form of legalized slavery?
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Was there an amendment that legalized slavery?

Yes, the fourteenth amendment legalized slavery.

When was legalized slavery abolished?


Which british colony legalized slavery in 1641?


When was slavery legalized?

Slavery was legalized in various regions at different times throughout history. In the United States, slavery was legally established in British North America in the early 17th century and continued until the passage of the 13th Amendment in 1865, which abolished slavery nationwide.

Which British colonel legalized slavery in 1641?

Colonel Thomas Rainsborough did not legalize slavery in 1641. The legalization of slavery in British colonies happened through various colonial acts and laws over time, not by the actions of a single colonel in a specific year.

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What was one result of the civil war for the US?

One of the most notable results was the end of legalized slavery in the U.S.

What nations in the early part of the nineteenth century had legalized slavery?

Slavery was legal in both the United States and Great Britain in the first years of the nineteenth century. It was also legal in parts of South America.

What is chattel slavery?

Chattel slavery is a form of slavery where individuals are treated as personal property that can be bought, sold, or inherited. It is characterized by the complete ownership of one person by another, without any legal rights or status as a human being. This type of slavery was prevalent in many parts of the world, including the United States, before its abolition.

What was the legalized form of kidnapping that forced people into military service?

The term for it is "impressment".


It was legalized for until Abraham Lincoln abolished it which is basically since we first settled in the south when the 13 colonies were created.

Is slavery a form of racism?

Some examples of slavery are a form of racism. Some examples of slavery are a form of sexism. Some examples of slavery are a means of exerting power. Slavery has a very long history dating back as far as human societies. Slavery has historically taken many forms.