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Q: What was a pieace of land given to a vassel by a lord?
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What does vassel mean?

A Vassel is a lesser lord in medieval times. they lived on land owned by the king. In return they worked for the king.

What is the Toll paid by vassal?

A vassal was usually a knight that had been given land by his king or overlord. The vassel owed the lord time as a knight. If there was a war he had to give 2 months time, no war he gave time for training and duty to the estate.

Oath shown between lord and vassal?

the vassal received land or his manor and was held in common of his serfs and peasants and skilled works and was once a knight who was so good that he received the land from the king and was now considered his vassel but he could give away his land and also become a lord...etc.

A piece of land given to vassal by a lord?

A fief.

Lord selkirk was given a land grant known as assiniboia?


What is a role of a vassel?

A vassal was a person who swore loyalty to a lord or monarch in exchange for land and protection. They would provide military service and other forms of support to their liege in return for these privileges. This relationship was a key feature of feudal societies in the Middle Ages.

What title was given to the poor who were bound to the land of the vassal or lord they served?

They were the serfs.

Why was Lord Baltimore given credit for discovering Maryland?

Because, Lord Baltimore got the land from King Charles and so he got to do what ever he wanted to do with the land so that is why he should get the credit for discovering Mary land.

Who was a person during the Middle Ages who was given land in return for offering protection and loyalty?

A person who swore to be loyal and support a lord was that lord's vassal. The lord gave land and protection in exchange, so it was a mutual pledge and obligation.

What was is fief?

The Latin name for the land that was given to the vassal by the king or a lord in the middle Ages (during feudalism).

Who owns Manor Farm?

Land ownership in the modern sense was very rare in the middle ages. When land is clearly owned by a single party is called "fee simple", but there was almost no fee simple property in the middle ages. Instead, for any given land there were multiple people who had rights and responsibilities relating to that land. The farmland of a particular manor was held by some kind of feudal land lord. In some cases this lord was a great lord like a king or duke. In many cases it was a lesser lord who had received the land from the greater lord in exchange for promises of loyalty, military service, or possibly monetary payments in place of the military service. In some cases the process was repeated more than once, with a given manor being passed as a fief down through a chain of lords and vassals. The lord that directly holds the manor retains some of the farm land to generate goods and income for himself, and the remainder of the land was given over to the peasants of the manor for their use. The peasant who received land from the lord would owe rents, fees, and if the peasant was a serf or villein, labor on the lords land. In exchange the peasant was entitled to the lord's protection and justice. The peasants worked the lands that they held from the lord for their own livelihood.

What was a serf's role in a feudal society?

Serfs generally do not exist any more, but to the medieval extent, serfs were peasants who farmed land that belonged to a nearby Lord. They lived on the land, took care of it, and got food from it. But most of the crops are given to the Lord as "rent" for the land, even though they broke their backs working on it. They are basically labourers who are paid in terms of land and food. They got to build houses on the land and grow food and raise animals, but most of the food they grow and animals they raise are given to the Lord in return for letting them stay on the land.