

What was before religion?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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8y ago

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That would depend on the definition of religion. Religious beliefs and practices are often aimed at ing questions that naturally follow self-awareness, and the knowledge of one's impending mortality. One could then say that animals behave according to instinct and "primordial urges", and perhaps a degree of reasoning and pattern-seeking, until they gradually develop self-awareness. This happens individually, as the maturing mind attempts to grasp its own existence, in early childhood in humans. It is not known whether species like chimpanzees have "beliefs", as they cannot express themselves, but seemingly superstitious behavior has been observed in many species of animal.

Organized religion probably developed about the time the first cities formed, approximately 8-10,000 years ago, when humans began interacting and communicating more complex ideas much more frequently, sharing their individual beliefs. Fear and superstition.

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