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Q: What was built between East and West Germany in 1961?
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What happened in 1961 in Germany that heightened the Cold War?

In 1961 the Berlin Wall was built in Germany. It served as a symbol of the cold war's division of east and west Germany.

What was the 103 mile-long built by East Germany in 1961 called?

The Berlin Wall

Why Berlin Wall was built in 1961?

The Berlin Wall was built to stop east Germans from travelling to West Germany.

Why was the Berlin wall built in 1961?

The Berlin Wall was built to stop east Germans from travelling to west Germany.

What about the Berlin wall?

The Berlin Wall was built in Germany in August of 1961. The Berlin Wall was built to separate East Germany and East Berlin from West Berlin. The Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1990 which allowed for unification of West and East Berlin.

What is the connection between East Berlin and the Berlin Wall?

East Berlin was the capital of Communist East Germany. However, many East Germans wanted to escape East Germany in order to find freedom in West Germany. The easiest way to do this was to cross into West Berlin, which was an enclave of West Germany that was completely surrounded by East German territory. The East German government was dismayed by the number that East Germans who were leaving East Germany and, therefore, built the Berlin Wall in 1961 in order to prevent the further hemorrhaging of population.

What wall was built to stop migration from communist in East Germany?

The wall was built to stop migration from East Germany to West Germany.

Can Jewish people cross the Berlin wall?

The Berlin Wall was to prevent all citizens of East Germany from escaping East Germany by going to West Berlin. It was built in 1961, long after the Holocaust, and had nothing to do with any distinction between Jews or Non-Jews, but rather East German citizens and West German citizens.

The Berlin Wall was constructed in?

Construction began in 1961, and it came down in 1989.

What year was the Birlin wall built?

The Berin Wall was built in the middle of the night on the 13th of August 1961 by communist East Germany. It was designed to prevent East German citizens from escaping the harsh society they were forced to live in.

Why was Berlin Wall built for?

It was built by the Russians to keep the population of East Germany in East Germany and to separate it from the Western sectors.

In which part of Germany was Berlin located?

In Germany Berlin was located in North east Germany