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Q: What was captain crunch first name?
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What is captain crunch real name?

Joesph Crunch

What is the name of Canada's centeral legislature?

Captain Crunch

What is the full name of the character who represents Cap'n Crunch?

In May 2007 Cap'n Crunch's full name was revealed as Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch

What do you call a captain that likes to crunch?

Captain Crunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:]

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What is cap n crunch first name?

Cap'n Horatio Magellen Crunch is Cap'n Crunch's real name.

Does captain crunch's ship have a name?

It's the "S.S. Guppy" :)

What is Cap'n Crunch's first name?

Created in 1963, Cap'n Horatio Crunch is a fun-loving sea captain. He was born and raised on Crunch Island, which is located in the Milk Sea. He wears a blue captain's uniform, and a large blue captain's hat. His ship is the S.S. Guppy, which he sails with his first mate, Seadog (1963), and his crew of four kids. Their mission is to keep the cargo hold of cereal from falling into the hands of Jean LaFoote the Barefoot Pirate (1968).

What is captain crunch?


Is Justin Bieber's favorite cereal Captain Crunch?

Captain Crunch is Justin Bieber's favourite breakfast cereal.Captin Crunch With Berries He Eats It Every Morning!

What flavor is captain crunch?

Captain crunch has flavor has a mixture of brown sugar and cane sugar.Captain crunch is a sort of fruity flavor. It is a mix of berry flavors.

Can you get captain crunch cereal from Australia?

The formal answer is no . Captain Crunch cereal is distributed in the US by the Quaker oats company of Chicago IL . However , there are import candy stores in Australia which may stock imported Captain crunch products .