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Cortes may not have been the most qualified to lead the expedition. As a result, the Spanish colonization of North America promoted a mainly Spanish.

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Q: What was cortes route and results?
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What route did Hernando Cortes?

His route was from Cuba to Mexico

What route did Hernando Cortes take?

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In which general direction did Cortes travel on the 1519 route how do you know?

Cortes traveled North,West. I know by looking in my Social Studies.

What was the results of Cortes?

The fall of the Aztecs and the colonizing of New Spain

What route did Hernando Cortes take to get back to Spain?

He went through the Golf of Mexico

Map of Hernan Cortes' route?

Hernan Cortes- for his route he went from Cuba to Mexico City maybe a map u can see in the picture that i copied and pasted from Google Images, Hernan Cortes' route was from Cuba to Mexico City.(Just copy and paste the URL into the Search Bar and the picture will come up :) hope this helped!)

What transportation did Hernandez Cortes use to get to Mexico?

Hernando Cortes Sailed From Spain On Ships, The once there they burned them and used horses to get to Tenochtitilan

Why did Hernan Cortes choose that route?

he choose that route because it was the smartest and safest route back in those days.

In 1519-1521 the Spanish conquer Mexico what were the results of the conquest?

It was being conquered by Hernan Cortes and his conquistadors.

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