



For God, Glory and Gold, was their rallying cry, but the conquest of much of the New World by Spanish conquistadors, driven by a mentality reminiscent of the medieval crusaders, was surely one of history's turning points, but even in the 16th century, questions were asked about the morality of their exploits.

2,209 Questions

Who was hernan Cortes children?

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Hernan Cortes had several children, but the most well-known ones were Martín Cortés and Catalina Pizarro. Martín Cortés was born to Cortes and his indigenous interpreter and mistress, La Malinche (Malintzin). Catalina Pizarro was born to Cortes and his first wife, Catalina Suárez Marcaida.

Did hernan cortes provide information for new maps?

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Hernan Cortes did not provide information for new maps himself, but his actions and conquests in the Americas led to the creation of new maps by cartographers who sought to accurately depict the newly discovered lands. Cortes' expeditions and encounters with indigenous civilizations provided valuable information that influenced mapping of the region.

How did Cortes die?

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Hernan Cortes, the Spanish conquistador, died in 1547 in Spain due to a case of pleurisy. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest.

Francisco Vásquez de Coronado fun facts?

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Francisco Vásquez de Coronado was a Spanish explorer who led an expedition in search of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold in North America. He traveled through present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, but did not find the fabled riches. Coronado's expedition marked the first European exploration of the American Southwest.

Where was Hernando De Soto buried after he died?

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Hernando de Soto was buried in the Mississippi River. His body was placed in a coffin that was weighed down and sunk in the river as a way to conceal his death and prevent his body from being desecrated by Native Americans.

What years did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explore?

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Francisco Vazquez de Coronado explored from 1540 to 1542.

What was some of failures that Francisco Pizarro had?

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He made two initial expeditions into the land. The first expedition took place in 1524 and was a total failure. Several of his men died and Pizarro had to turn back without discovering anything of value.

What were Vasco Nunez de Balboa's expedition purposes?

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Vasco Nunez de Balboa's expedition was to find a route to the Pacific Ocean and establish trade for Spain in the early 16th century. He is credited with being the first European to reach the Pacific Ocean from the New World.

Who was the Aztec King?

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I don't really know maybe try a book!

Or wikipedia.

What type of tools did Vasco Nunez De Balboa use?

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Vasco Nnunes del Balboa used and astrolabe and a traverse board to sail to the Istas e Panama.

What year did Juan Ponce De Leon find Florida?

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Juan Ponce de Leon first came to Florida in 1513. In 1521 de Leon later returned to perform a permanent settlement. The Native Americans didn't like that idea so they declared war. Juan Ponce de Leon was injured in the leg forcing him to retreat to the nearby island of Cuba where he died from his injury.

What was the name of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's ship?

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Francisco Vasquez de Coronado did not have a ship. His expedition consisting of 300 Spanish soldiers and a thousand Indians set off from Mexico on foot or on horseback to explore the American southwest looking for the golden cities.

What reward were conquistadors given for conquering the Indian people?

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Conquistadors were rewarded with several benefits for conquering the Indian people. These rewards included land, slaves, and precious metals such as gold and silver. Additionally, they were granted titles of nobility and given control over the newly conquered territories.

Who was a spanish nobleman who went looking for cibola?

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Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, a Spanish nobleman, went looking for the fabled city of Cibola in the 16th century. However, he didn't find the city but instead became one of the first Europeans to explore and document parts of present-day Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

What was the most significant cause of death among the Native Americans after the Conquistador landed?

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The most significant cause of death among Native Americans after the arrival of the Conquistadors was the introduction of infectious diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. The Native American population had no immunity to these diseases, which led to devastating outbreaks and decimated their populations.

What country was Hernando de Soto from?

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he came from Spain and explored many places including north America

Did de soto have kids?

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He was married to iseabelle de bobadilla, but did not have no children

When did Hernado de Soto set sail?

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De Soto first sailed on a 1514 expedition led by Pedro Arias Dávila to the West Indies. (De Soto was about 17 or 18 at the time)