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The Union was the better supplied force of the two, and their uniforms were consistently blue. The Confederate uniform was grey - however, not having the logistics available to Union forces, the Confederates often had to assemble whatever they could, using uniform items, civilian clothing, and captured Union uniform items.

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Q: What was difference between the uniforms worn by the union and the Confederate solders?
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What color uniforms were worn by the confederacy Did any confederate solders were a blue uniform?

Many Confederate units wore blue uniforms. In many cases they were excess from Federal caches and stations in the South.

Was the confederate soldiers the south?

yes, the confederate solders were referred to as the south

Did union or confederate have slaves in the civil war?

No, the confederate had no slaves, but the union did have African American solders.

What did the people in the civil war wear?

In the Civil War, people not involved in the military continued wearing the same clothing they wore before the war started. The northern solders wore uniforms died blue. However, some Zouave or National Guard units dressed in red or black uniforms. The Confederate solders started off with gray uniforms. As the war went on, they had more difficulty getting replacement uniforms. When their uniforms wore out, they wore anything they could get. When their shoes wore out and they could not find replacement shoes, they wrapped their feet in rags. Toward the end, both sides wore uniforms the color of dirt.

Battle between inexperienced troops resulted in a confederate victoy and a retreat of union solders?

First Manassas, or First Bull Run

Who manufactured the south's uniforms in the civil war?

They initally were sewn by the solders family or they even used Federal uniforms. Later, the were either manufactured by clothing factories in the South or inported from Great Britain.

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What two contributions did the tongue factory make?

they gave cotton to the confederate hospital in MACON to make mattress for the sick solders

When was the KKK set up?

the Klan was established on December 24,1864 in Pulaski, Tennessee by former confederate solders.

What did Civil War spies wear?

During the Civil War, the Confederate soldiers wore gray uniforms. The Union solders wore blue uniforms. They were usually called by their uniform color. The uniforms were usually made of wool.

British point of view for the quartering act?

The colonists despised the Quartering Act. Parliament decreed that solders would be quartered in empty houses and warehouses. The solders declared houses empty even if people lived in them. The people living in the houses were forced to feed the solders even though the solders did not pay rent. The difference between the law Parliament wrote and its application caused great bitterness.

How did the end of the civil war have a negative impact on the south?

At the end of the Civil War, the infrastructure of the South had been destroyed. The newly enfranchised former slaves did not understand the political structure. The former Confederate Solders were disenfranchised but were well trained in the techniques of war. They were willing to use military techniques against their former slaves. Northern Solders were housed in southern homes. These solders were from the dregs of society. When they left the houses, they abandoned the children they had fathered. That caused hard feelings. The desire of congress to punish confederate solders caused chaos in the South.