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The Greek word is polis, from which we derive today such words as politics, political, politicians etc.

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A polis.

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Q: What was each Greek city state known as?
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Why was Greece settled in City states?

The reason why Greek City-States were set up like this was because of the mountains that surrounded each Greek City-State which made it difficult for the inhabitants of each City-State to communicate with other.

What did the greek city states share?

Each city-state included a city, villages, and fields surrounding it.

How did greek city state apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other

Did Greek city states have their own gods?

Yes. Each City-state had their own god. for example the greek citystate Athens had a greek goddess named Athena. A goddess is a women god.

Athens vs Sparta what is each city-state known for?

Athens is known for its nice city. Wail on the other hand Sparta was known for its great army of Spartans.

What is a Greek polis?

It was an important part of greek life because it had the art and practices of the government. Polis gave rise to the term politics and it was the framework of Greek Life. Each city-state had a different kind of government.

In what Greek city-state was fighting in the military and war important?

It was very important in all the Greek city-states. All citizens were liable to be called out in each city when either a threat appeared, to defend the city, or when the city wanted to overcome another city to gain ascendancy in a dispute.

What were the greek city states?

They were agglomerations of villages centered on a particular urban center. The mountainous terrain prevented a unified government, and each city-state developed its own politics and policies. Sparta was known as a warrior's state, while Athens became a center of science and philosophy.

How was a Greek city-state different from city?

A city can be part of an independent state/country, which might have several or many cities within it. A city-state is an independent single city which owns land around it, hence it is called a city-state (use a hyphen). Examples today are Monaco, Brunei and Singapore.

What were the greek cities?

They were agglomerations of villages centered on a particular urban center. The mountainous terrain prevented a unified government, and each city-state developed its own politics and policies. Sparta was known as a warrior's state, while Athens became a center of science and philosophy.

What were three way in which the people in the different Greek city-state felt a culture connection with one another?

The different Greek city states had the same language and religion. They played sports against each other in the Olympic games.

What did both Xerxes and Darius unsuccessfully try to do?

They attempted to stabilise the Greek world by bringing the warring city-states under control by installing local Greek tyrants to each city-state, with a Persian provincial governor to oversee them.