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Q: What was first written frame of government that became the forerunner of state constitution and us constitution?
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What was the first written frame of the government that became the forerunner of state constitutions and the US constitution?

The Declaration of Independence

What was the first written frame government that became the forerunner of state constitutions and the US Constitution?

The Declaration of Independence

What was the first written frame of government that became forerunner of states constitutions and the US Constitution?

The Declaration of Independence

Why was a new constitution created?

The United States Constitution was written because the Articles of Confederation were a failed attempt at government structure. The Constitution joined the states under a government of shared responsibilities, while the Articles of Confederation allowed the states virtual autonomy.

Why are protected rights and representative government important principles?

Both became important parts of the US Constitution

When was PA's first constitution written?

The first Pennsylvania Constitution was written in 1776, but it didn't take affect until 1789. This constitution became the framework of all future state constitutions.

How many people were president before the constitution?

None. Until 1789 there was no US government and that is when the constitution was signed and Washington became President.

What happens if there is no constitution for the company?

The original way was that the business was going to be regulated by the government. However the government became regulated by business.

Was James Madison president when he wrote the Constitution?

No. The Constitution was written in 1787. He became President in 1809, some 22 years later. Until the Constitution was written and ratified, there was not United States and there were no Presidents.

What colonial government practices became a part in your nations government?

One practice that was used by colonial governments that became part of the government system was that a written constitution guarantees basic liberties and limits the power of the government. Another would be the separation of power between the legislature and the governor.

Why was the US established?

When the United States became an independent country, we wanted to be different from a Kingdom. The Articles of Confederation were created to serve the purpose of our current Constitution. However, the articles of confederation were extremely weak and did not provide strong government. The constitution was written to have a stronger government. A few years after the constitution was established, the Bill of Rights was added to the constitution in the form of the first ten amendments. The Bill of Rights protected rights of all people.

Did The US still uses the Articles of Confederation as its national constitution.?

No. The constitution was written in 1787 and adapted by 1789 when Washington became president.