

What was important about 1803?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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14y ago

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- 1803

- 1804-1806

- 1807

- 1809

- 1812

- 1814

- 1814-1815

- 1816

- 1820

- 1823

- 1828

- 1830

- 1832

- 1832-1833

- 1833

- 1836

- 1837

- 1838-1839

- 1840

- 1844

- 1849

- 1850

- 1853

- 1854

- 1856-1860

- 1857

- 1861

- 1862

- 1863

- 1865

- 1866

- 1867

- 1870

- 1877

- 1882

- The Louisiana Purchase

- Lewis and Clark Expedition

- Embargo Act instated

- Non-Intercourse Act replaces Embargo Act

- United States declares war on Britain

- Treaty of Ghent signed

- Hartford Convention

- Second Bank of the United States is founded

- Protective Tariff of 1816

- Missouri Compromise

- Land Act of 1820

- Secretary Adams proposes Monroe Doctrine

- Tariff of 1828

- First railroad completed in the US

- Indian Removal Act

- Bank War

- Tariff of 1832

- Black Hawk War

- South Carolina nullification crisis

- Compromise Tariff of 1833

- Bank of the United States expires

- Specie Circular issued

- Battle of the Alamo

- Texas wins independence from Mexico

- Panic of 1837

- Cherokee Indians removed on "Trail of Tears"

- Independent Treasury established

- Samuel Morse invents the telegraph

- Order of the Star Spangled Banner formed (the Know-Nothing Party)

- California gold rush

- Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Laws

- Gadsden Purchase from Mexico

- Kansas-Nebraska Act

- Republican Party organized

- Civil war in "bleeding Kansas"

- Dred Scott decision

- Panic of 1857

- Tariff of 1857

- Seven seceding states for the Confederate States of America

- First Battle of Bull Run

- Battle of Shiloh

- Battle of Antietam

- Final Emancipation Proclamation

- Thirteenth Amendment passed

- Fourteenth Amendment passed

- Ku Klux Klan founded

- Reconstruction Act

- Fifteenth Amendment ratified

- Force Acts

- Reconstruction ends

- Compromise of 1877

- Railroad strikes paralyze nation

- Chinese Exclusion Act

- Presidents of the era:

- Thomas Jefferson

- 1801-1809

- James Madison

- 1809-1817

- James Monroe

- 1817-1825

- John Quincy Adams

- 1825-1829

- Andrew Jackson

- 1829-1837

- Martin Van Buren

- 1837-1841

- William H. Harrison

- 1841

- John Tyler

- 1841-1845

- James K. Polk

- 1845-1849

- Zachary Taylor

- 1849-1850

- Millard Fillmore

- 1850-1853

- Franklin Pierce

- 1853-1857

- James Buchanan

- 1857-1861

- Abraham Lincoln

- 1861-1865

- Andrew Jackson

- 1865-1869

- Ulysses S. Grant

- 1869-1877

- Rutherford Hayes

- 1877-1881

- James Garfield

- 1881

- Chester Arthur

- 1881-1885

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12y ago

well one of them was the Louisiana purchase witch nearly doubled the u.s.

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11y ago

Louisiana purchase

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