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Athens' democratic form of government (that is to say, for one year only; then the Sparta-installed oligarchs were overthrown again) was lost. Permanently lost, however, was Athens' economic and political power within Greece.

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Q: What was lost in the Peloponnesian War?
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What is the role of the Peloponnesian War?

Wars don't have roles. They happen and have outcomes. The Peloponnesian War was between the Athenian empire and the Peloponnesian League, which Athens lost and lost its empire.

Who lost the peloponnesian war?

Athens won the first Peloponnesian War but Sparta won the second war

How did Athens win the peloponnesian war?

It lost.

Who lost the peloponnesian war 431 to 404bc?

The Athenians lost to the Spartans .

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Is the fact that Pericles led the Anthens to victory in the Peloponnesian war true or false?

False on two counts:.Pericles died early in the war from plague.Athens lost the Peloponnesian War.

When did Peloponnesian War happen?

Peloponnesian War happened in -431.

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Why was the peloponnesian war bad for the winners as bad as the losers?

the Peloponnesian war was bad for the losers because the Athenians which were the losers, lost their homeland and it was also bad for the winners because the winners were all the city-states and after the war they won a lot people lost their jobs and their home. It was also bad for the winners because the Spartans and the other city-states lost a lot of men afetr the war.

What was the course of the Peloponnesian War?

It went on for 27 years, Athens lost its empire.

What is the name of the Thucydides book about Peloponnesian War?

History of the Peloponnesian War.

Why was the Peloponnesian war good and bad for the winners as well as the losers?

the Peloponnesian war was bad for the losers because the Athenians which were the losers, lost their homeland and it was also bad for the winners because the winners were all the city-states and after the war they won a lot people lost their jobs and their home. It was also bad for the winners because the Spartans and the other city-states lost a lot of men afetr the war.