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The Buddha's main question was why is there suffering, probably better understood as dissatisfaction, in the world. He saw that people were unsatisfied and suffering and wanted to learn why and how to stop it.

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Q: What was one question that Siddhartha had to answer?
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Answer this question… What was the result of Siddhartha Gautama's rejection of the Hindu Caste System?

What was the result of Siddhartha Gautama's rejection of the Hindu caste system?

Siddhartha Gautama rejected the Hindu caste system to promote the idea that all individuals have the potential to achieve enlightenment, regardless of their background or social status. This rejection led to the formation of Buddhism, which emphasized the equality of all beings and the importance of self-realization through personal effort.

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It seems there is a typo in your question, but assuming you meant "What are Siddhartha's characters?" Siddhartha, a novel by Hermann Hesse, primarily focuses on the character Siddhartha and his spiritual journey towards enlightenment. Other key characters include Govinda, Vasudeva, Kamala, and the Buddha, who play important roles in Siddhartha's development and understanding of the world.

What is the sacred title given to Siddhartha gautama?

Siddhartha Gautama was given the title The Buddha.

Why should you learn about Siddhartha gotama?

You should learn about him because he was the one who founded Buddhism. If you want to learn how he started Buddhism, type the question into wikianswers as well, and you should get a good answer.

What religious leader was called the enlightened one?

Siddhartha Gautama

Why can't gotama teach siddhartha how has siddhartha's goal changed?

Siddhartha and Gotama is the same person.

Is Siddhartha Gautama single?

No, Siddhartha Gautama is not single.

Who was the Founder of Buddhism known as Buddha or Enlightened One?

Siddhartha Gautama