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When they wanted to sign the Declaration of Independence the only way the southern states would sign is if slavery was still legal

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Q: What was one reason slavery still existed after the Revolutionary War ended?
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What war ended slavery in the US?

civil war. civil war.

Is it true that the revolutionary war ended slavery in the US?

No, there was another war, The Civil War, over that issue.

Did the us ever have slaves?

Yes, slavery existed in the United Stats but was ended at the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865.

Did slavery ended after the Civil War in America?

Yes, that was largely the reason for the war

Did slavery still exist after the Revolutionary War?

ya it ended in 1865 (which is in civil war) or some other time in the civil war and what revolutionary war r u talkin about

Who ended the institution of slavery?

sojourner truth ended slavery

When could slavery be ended?

slavery ended a while ago

What is the cause of the reconstruction?

Reconstruction was caused by the Civil war and slavery. After slavery ended Reconstruction was period that helped to rebuild society after the war.

Who successfully ended slavery?

Abraham Lincoln is credited for having played the most important role in ending slavery, and he is for that reason sometimes known as the Great Emancipator.

What battle basically ended the Revolutionary War?

the battle at Yorktown basically ended the revolutionary war.

Does the existence of slavery in a society make it more or less democratic?

Slavery had existed in many modern and ancient civilizations. For the most part, the US Civil War had ended the institution of slavery in all developed nations. Any society that tolerates the existence of slavery is at once a society that has serious flaws. Where slavery has existed, the slaves in a society had few civil rights if any at all. Any civilization which tolerates slavery is not one that can be called "democratic" in the broad sense of that term.

Who ended the whole slavery?

Martin King Luther ended WHOLE slavery