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it spread because of the trade routes

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Q: What was one reason the revolution spread across eastern Europe in 1989?
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Why does eastern Europe have more pollution than western Europe?

Becuse Easter Europe was the birthplace of industrial revolution and still kinda is. therfore its is more polluted *Actually the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution was England in Western Europe. The IR is a reason for the pollution problems facing Eastern Europe, but not the distinguishing factor between East and West. The reason Eastern Europe faces pollution issues to a greater extent is due to it's communistic history. The government controlled the industries that were attributing to the pollution so there was a conflict of interest in dealing with the pollution caused and nothing to keep it in check.

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Industrial Revolution

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The industrial revolution

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The IR is a reason for the pollution problems facing Eastern Europe, but not the distinguishing factor between East and West. The reason Eastern Europe faces pollution issues to a greater extent is due to it's communistic history. The government controlled the industries that were attributing to the pollution so there was a conflict of interest in dealing with the pollution caused and nothing to keep it in check.

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So that during wars they could go fight for and protect Eastern Europe.

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Pure Reason Revolution was created in 2003.

The year and reason that the Vikings spread across Northern Europe?

The date was 793-1066 AD The main reason was originally trade but, the King's power increased and gradually turned into brutal plundering.

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These kind of revolts showed other countries that revolting was possible. Rebellions are a sort of chain reaction for that reason.

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The main reason for the revolution of the Earth around the Sun is the gravitational force of the Sun.

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It is a warm water current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. It is the reason that Britain is warmer than Canada at the same latitude.