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Q: What was proposed at the constitutional convention described a system with a president courts and bicameral legislature?
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What is a bicameral legislature best described as?

A bicameral legislature is composed of two houses of the legislature.

How could most delegates at the Constitutional Convention be described?

you have to find out on google

Who once described the surpreme court as constitutional convention in continuous session?

Woodrow Wilson

This compromise at the convention led to the process by which the president is elected?

At the Constitutional Convention, there was a compromise reached on the process by which the President is elected. The final proposal was written by Madison and described the electoral college process.

Why is Benjamin Franklin so important with the Constitution?

He outlined the system of governemnt as described in Article I. He was a part of the Constitutional Convention and signed the document.

The role of Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson at the constitutional convention could best be described?

Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson are actually examples of two prominent Founding Fathers who did not attend the Constitutional Convention. Patrick Henry, a staunch supporter of states' rights, declined to attend. Thomas Jefferson was in Europe at the time.

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The Constitution of 1962

Why did Thomas Jefferson described the delegate as an assembly of demi-gods?

the convection included most of the leading statesmen of the day

Why did Woodrow Wilson describe the supreme court as a constitutional convention in continuous session?

Conventions were called to determine what form the ultimate Constitution would take, what it would include and exclude, and generally how it would work. Every time the Supreme Court makes a ruling on a case they are in a sense making a statement about how they think the Constitution applies to that particular case, and thus, about what the constitution itself means in the present day.

Which constitutional principle is described in the quotation?

Hope this helps

How many of the delegates to The Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia were White and how many were male?

This is easy! In the 1700s, only "free over age 21 White males" had any power. So ALL the delegates were White and ALL were male. Women and slaves were property and had no rights. Thomas Jefferson described the delegated as an "assembly of [white] demigods."

What is a description of Canada's Government and History?

Canada's gorvenment can be described in four ways: constitutional monarchy, the federal, the politic party and a democracy