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Q: What was significant about the outcome of the August coup in the soviet Union?
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What was significance of the outcome of the august coup in the soviet union?


What event was the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union?

the august revolt

What marked the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union?

The August Revolt

What was an outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917?

Answer this question… The Soviet Union became the world's first communist state.

What events officially marked the end of the Soviet Union?

The August Revolt

Hitler broke his nonaggression pact with Joseph Stalin when he invaded this country?

Yes. Germany & Soviet Union on 23 August 1939 signed the Treaty of Non-Aggression.

What was the result of the October revolution in Russia?

On August 18th, 1991, the hardliners detained Gorbachev at his vacation home on the Black Sea. They did not want him as the president of the Soviet Union, and demanded his resignation. On August 2oth, the hardliners ordered troops to attack the parliament building, which they refused, which turned the tides, and Gorbachev returned to Moscow. The ultimate outcome was the accelerated breakup of the Soviet Union and rise of Boris Yeltsin to popularity and power.

What year did the soviet union sign the nonagression pact with Germany?

In August 1939.

What nations signed non aggression pact?

The Soviet Union and Germany in August 1939

When did the soviet union disintegrate into 15 independent republic?

28 august 1991

Is the soviet union in US?

no, its not! The Soviet Union is Russia.

Who did the soviet union sign a non aggression pact with in1939?

Germany - 23rd August 1939