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By far the most important thing that Obama has done is to push his "Obamacare" health package through Congress. He also ordered his own changes in deportation of illegal immigrants and asked his justice department to sue states that were trying to pass their own laws to stop illegal workers. He ordered justice not to defend the defense of marriage act. He gave gays full rights in the militay and removed restrictions against having women in combat units.

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13y ago

In no particular order: Federal funding of stem cell research; ratification of the nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia; rescue of the US automobile industry; health insurance reform; timetables for bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; extension of unemployment compensation; an end to discrimination against homosexuals in the military.

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12y ago

In no particular order: Federal funding of stem cell research; closer oversight of the financial services/credit card industry; ratification of the nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia; rescue of the US automobile industry; health insurance reform; timetables for bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; extension of unemployment compensation; an end to discrimination against homosexuals in the military; assisted in the overthrow of Gaddafi, at no loss of American life.

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12y ago

Well here are some things good or bad...

Good: Ordered the assasination of Osama bin Laden

Kept the government from shutting down.

Bad: Put the country in a large deficit.

Used the media to cover up some of his policies. (BBC news, and NCC news)

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11y ago

Many people would say that Mr. Obama's being the first African-American president is a milestone in history. As for his achievements, his supporters would say he has rescued the auto industry; ended our involvement with the war in Iraq and brought the troops home; supervised the mission that killed Osama bin Laden; and expanded healthcare access to millions of Americans.

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Become president of U.S.A.

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