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Q: What was the Average number of snow storms in new England?
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How many snow storms per year in US?

on average there is 150 snow storms a year in the usa

How much snow falls during an average new England storm?

The amount of snowfall during an average New England storm can vary significantly depending on the storm's intensity and duration. On average, New England can receive anywhere from a few inches to over a foot of snow during a typical winter storm. However, especially powerful storms can dump several feet of snow in some areas.

Can you get snow storms in Italy?

Yes there have been snow storms in italy!

Do ups deliver on snow storms?

No UPS does not deliver during snow storms.

What are snow storms good for?

Precipitating snow.

How do snow storms form in the Appalachian Mountains or the Rocky Mountains Where do these storms get their moisture?

Snow storms in the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains form when moist air is forced to rise over the mountains, leading to cooling and condensation of water vapor into snow. The moisture for these storms can come from nearby bodies of water, such as the Atlantic Ocean for the Appalachian Mountains and the Pacific Ocean for the Rocky Mountains.

What is Utah weather wise known for?

its the storms and snow storms

What storms happen in the desert?

rain storms thunder storms snow storms sand storms dust storms hail storms tornadoes although they are rare

When do snow storms occur?

Snow storms occur when moisture in the atmosphere combines with cold temperatures to produce snowfall. Snow storms typically happen in the winter months when these conditions are more likely to occur, especially in regions that experience cold winter weather. The timing and frequency of snow storms can vary depending on geographic location and climate patterns.

Do the Tundra experience any droughts floods or any major storms?

it has no rain storms but it does have snow storms

What is the average annual snowfall in London England?

Depending on if they get snow or not, recently England has been having lots of snow recently and has been covered with 6 to 12 inch's of snow. But the UK doesn't always have snow, England had snow this year (2010), 2009 and a few years before. It isn't snow regularly every year.