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They lived there life as the would any other day. Going about there same traditions everyday.

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Q: What was the Jews' social climate like before the Holocaust?
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How did Anne live before the Holocaust?

What a stupid question!!! She lived like any normal girl, Jews were not of threat before the Holocaust

What country was willing to take the Jews and give them land during the holocaust?

Bolivia, but it was just before the Holocaust.

Similarly differences between ghettos Holocaust?

there is nonegettos were in the holocaust to hold Jews before they go to concentration camps

What did signs during the Holocaust say against the Jews?

Many of the anti-Jewish signs put up in Germany dated from before the Holocaust and usually said things like:No Jews!Jews out!Jews unwelcome hereSome were in verse.

What was the population of the jews before the holocaust?

about 16 million globally before and about 9-10 million after

How many Jews lived in Ukraine before the Holocaust?

Although the population has not been determined in Ukraine for Jewish residents before the Holocaust, there are some shocking numbers. It is estimated that nearly 900,000 Jews were killed in Ukraine.

Who was there in the Holocaust?

Any Jews and Non germany aryan people who was Born atleast 15-16 years before the holocaust.

How many jews were there in germany before holocaust?

560,000 Jews Lived in Germany prior to the Hitler coming to power

How were the Jews' lives before the Holocaust in Germany?

They were pretty well off. Germany was one of the most liberal and safe places for Jews in Europe from the 1700s up until the Holocaust.