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The actual campaign is usually called the Holocaust.


There are many questions wrapped up in this. How did Hitler and the Germans come to hate the presence of Jews? How could they deceive themselves on the beliefs, ideals and history of Jews? How did Hitler proceed to exterminate them? His plan is stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf. He was himself one-quarter Jewish, consulted a revered Jewish family doctor and was in physical appearance far from the model Aryan type. As a young man, he failed to gain admittance to art school, and blamed intriguing, including by Jews, against him. Like many Germans, he also sought a scapegoat for Germany's defeat in the First World War. A widely read piece of forgery presented the Jews as members of a worldwide conspiracy to dominate the world. This combination of factors fed a dangerously disturbed mind.

Hatred of Jews, jealousy and resentment against Jewish success, and opportunistic looting of Jewish property has recurred throughout European history. England in the 13th century committed the first European pogrom against them. Nazi Germany was the worst but not the last instance of the phobia against Jews. The German aim to cleanse their country's supposed racial purity extended to proscription of other races, like gypsies and Slavs, and to the mentally handicapped. It was based on ignorance. Hitler was atheistic but the church leaders were mostly tolerant of his antics, since the Catholic Church had not overthrown the hints in The Bible that Jews should forever bear responsibility for the death of Jesus. Of course, this is a false, wicked and indeed absurd, doctrine.

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9y ago

He did not have one, that was the problem. He was full of rhetoric, saying things like if the Jews were to start another war, then it would lead to their destruction, but he did not outline a plan for what to actually do with the Jews.

Hitler had intended to deport the Jews from Germany after the war, but it was the public that pushed for policy to change.

The actions on the front line by the einsatzgruppen were totally independent of the death camps and can in many ways be considered two different 'Holocausts'.

In fact there was such a lack of planning that it has been referred to as many mini-Holocausts.

Hitler did have his 'pet-projects' that he did micro-manage, the Final Solution was not one of them, we do believe that he did approve/disapprove of most major decisions, but Himmler did not always follow Hitler's directives.

In short there was no 'plan' per se, rather the Holocaust was the result of reacting to the latest need/issue.

By 1943 though everything was stabalised (due in no small part to methods of 'trial and error') and all that was left was to refine the methods and increase efficiency.

To prosecute them by putting them in concentration camps and killing them... he blamed them for Germany's defeat in World War 2

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13y ago

he and his wife both did suicide because they were losing and he died of a gun shot and poison that is found in rat poisoning.

- CAto Kelly in Atlanta Georgia

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13y ago

It is generally referred to as the Holocaust. Please see the related question below.

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13y ago

His idea was to get rid of all the Jews in Europe.

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13y ago

That refers to the Holocaust where about 6 million Jews were killed.

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9y ago

There was no Nazi programme.

The Holocaust developed from party policies and conditions brought up from the war.

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The Nazis and Hitler committed genocide on the European Jews.

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It was called Hitler Jugend

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They didn't agree with it

What was Hitlers term for his long-term program for the Jews?

The "Final Solution"

What was Hitlers idea of reasoning for the genocide of millions?

He blamed the lose in WWI on the Jews, and blamed them for the economic depression in the 1930's. (He said the Jews had taken all the good jobs in German.)

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They called it their Final Solution.

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I believe the phrase to summarize the program of Nazi genocide against the Jewish people was " the final solution".

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It was an evil idea. The Final Solution refers to 'The final solution to the Jewish question', ie. what to do with the Jews under German control. This invariably meant mass murder or genocide.

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Genocide Genocide