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The ban on liquor sales as outlined in the Eighteenth Amendment was called Prohibition.

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Q: What was the ban on liquor sales as outlined in the Eighteenth Amendment was called?
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What was The ban on liquor sales as outlined in the Eighteenth Amendment called?

The ban on liquor sales as outlined in the Eighteenth Amendment was called Prohibition.

What law was the 18th amendment known as?

great expirament and another name for the eighteenth amendment is PROHIBITION

Which amendments made it illegal to manufacture and sell intoxicating liquor?

Eighteenth Amendment

Did The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the buying and selling of liquor?


Which Amendment was added to the constitution to prohibit the selling of liquor anywhere in US?

made it illegal to sell alcoholic drinks Eighteenth Amendment

What amendment was added to the constitution to prohibit selling liquor anywhere in the us?

It's one of these; A. Eighteenth Amendment B. Fourteenth Amendment C. Nineteenth Amendment D. Twentieth Amendment

Under which category does this Constitutional Amendment fallprohibited the manufacture and distribution of liquor repealed the Eighteenth Amendment?

Power of the Federal Government

What is an example of the twenty first amendment?

It repeals the 18th amendment, which bans all liquor.

What problem does the eighteenth Amendment seem to be addressing?

that liquor is selling good money to normal people so they band it

Organized crime made a cosiderable amount of money selling illgal achol because of which amendment?

The 21st amendment legalized the sale and consumption of liquor.

Amendment outlawing liquor sales?

18th amendment : prohibition.

What do amendments eighteen and twenty one concern?

The Eighteenth and Twenty First Amendments concern the prohibition of alcohol consumption. The 18th Amendment banned "the manufacture, sale, or transportation" of liquor within the United States. The 21st Amendment repealed the aforementioned Amendment.