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The Justinian Code

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Q: What was the body of civil law created for the Byzantine Empire?
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What was the name of the legal code created for the byzantine empire by Justinian?

The Codex Justinian, which was the body of civil law.

What was the body of civil law for the byzantine empire?

The Justinian Code

What role did civil servants play in the Byzantine Empire?

the played as a servant or a body guard

Where was the body of law of byzantine formed?

Byzantine Empire

What byzantine emperor reformed the Roman law of code?

JustinianFlavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus AD 483 - 565 known as Justinian I or the Great Emperor of the East Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire coded the applicable laws of his times in order to facilitate the distribution of justice under the title Corpus Iuris Civilis "Body of Civil Law" between 529 and 534 AD.

Which body of water remained part of the Byzantine Empire in 1360 AD?

Bosporus Strait

What is the governing body of the Jews in palestine?

branches of government are: The Israeli Government, The Israeli parliament - the Knesset, and the judiciary.

What public works were used during the Byzantine Empire?

Through its public works projects the Roman Empire built aqueducts roads bridges harbors and other infrastructure tat significantly improves the welfare of its people.

Who was justinian and what were his accomplishments?

Justinian I or the Great was Byzantine Emperor. He sought to restore the empire and recover the lost western empire. His generals defeated the Vandals (and restored Africa), the Ostrogoths (restoring Italy and Dalmatia) and regained most of southern Spain. This increased imperial revenues by 1 million solides, ushering an age of splendour which was ended by a plague (the Plague of Justinian) which took the empire into a period of decline that lasted 400 years. Justinian also started a great building programme and he rebuilt the famous Hagia Sophia. He commissioned the Corpus Iuris Civilis (Body of Civil Law; which was later dubbed the Justinian Code) the largest digest of Roman civil law ever made which gave Roman civil law more uniformity and later provided the foundation of civil laws in many modern countries. His reign is seen as a distinct epoch of the empire of the east.

What is the name of the emperor who was killed by his body guard in the fall of rome and the rise of byzantium?

There was not such thing as the fall of Rome and the rise of Byzantium. The term fall of Rome refers to the fall of the western part of the empire, not the fall of the city of Rome. This part of this empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. Byzantine empire is a term which has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman empire after the fall of the western part. The people in question did not know this term and called their empire Roman Empire. Therefore, the so-called Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire. As for Byzantium, the name of this city changed to Constantinople more than 100 years before the Byzantine period. Therefore, there was no such thing as the rise of Byzantium either as a city of as an empire. Six Roman Emperors were killed by the imperial guard, but these were long before the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire

What does it mean that constantinople was a massive head without a body?

"The territories and sway of the Byzantine Empire continued to be encroached upon from several sides such that Constantinople itself became open to being referred to as a 'massive head without a body.'" (

Who united the roman empire under a codified government?

A government is not codified and cannot be codified. What can be codified is the law. There was not anyone who unified the Roman Empire because the Roman empire was never divided. Maybe you have in mind Justinian I who commissioned the Corpus Juris Civils (Body of Civil Law) also known as the Justinian Code. This work codified Roman civil law.