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Q: What was the consequence for Eve eating from the tree of knowledge?
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Who was the thing that tricked eve into eating from the tree of knowledge?

It was Satan, the Devil, he was disguised as a serpent.

What did eating the fruit do to Adam and Eve?

Eating the fruit from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden caused Adam and Eve to gain knowledge of good and evil, leading to their expulsion from paradise as a consequence of disobeying God's command not to eat from that tree.

How Eve tempted Adam to share the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge?

Eve after eating the forbidden fruit convinced Adam to eat it and they would be like god.

What versus does it talk about Adam and Eve not eating from the tree of knowledge?

It is true that Adam and Eve did eat the forbidden fruit, so sin and death came into the world.

Adam and Eve were banished from the garden after eating from the tree of knowledge the angel barring the gate was holding a what?

Flaming sword, I believe.

Was the tree of life different from the tree of knowledge was it bad to eat from the tree of life what's the significance of the tree of life in the story of creation?

The tree of life is the same as the tree of knowledge. God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, and Eve broke that rule. That is why we have sin. So yes, it is bad to eat from the tree.

Can too much knowledge kill you?

Yes because in the Book of Genisis in the Bible, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, can kill you. Eve, by eating that fruit, new too much, caused her death.

How did the lump come in your throat from Adam eating the apple from eve?

First off, who said Adam or Eve ate an apple? If you read the scripture it says they took and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. This is not an apple tree it is a tree of knowledge of good and evil. What does this type of fruit look like might be the real question to ask as well as "Is this fruit of knowledge of good and evil actually physical fruit that you pluck from a tree or is it something more....?

What is the name of the tree eve ate of in the garden of eden?

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

What happened to the serpent that Tricked Eve into eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil Was he cursed?

The answer to your question is answered in Genesis 3:14. Yes the serpent was cursed.

If God said that Adam and Eve would die from eating from the tree of knowledge why aren't they dead and did God lie?

God never lies... Adam and Eve are dead. Adam died aged 930, if you believe the Bible.

What sins did Adam and Eve from the story of the Garden of Eden commit?

They ate the forbidden fruit... Being an apple... Which God told them not to eat.