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to have safe life in the trenches

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Q: What was the contents of a World War 1 first aid kit?
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What medicine was in the personal first aid kit in World War 1?

Each British (and Empire) soldier carried a First Field dressing and an iodine ampoule in a special pocket on the inside of his jacket (at the bottom). For the contents of the Medical first aid kits, surgical haversacks and medical panniers, consult a copy of the War Office (1904) Manual for the Royal Army Medical Corps that illustrates the various items and lists the contents.

What was in a first aid kit in world war 2?


Use of first aid in second world war?

no there are 200.1

What does FAP stand for in World War 2?

fap in world war 2 stands for first aid party

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What kind of first aid kits did women use in the US during world war 2?


What are the recommended contents for a household first aid bag?

There are some recommended contents for a household first aid bag. They include absorbent compress dressings, adhesive bandages, adhesive cloth tape, antibiotic ointment packages, antiseptic wipe packets, etc.

Civil war first aid?

civil war first aid kits only had a saw in them because they did not want to get the injured soldir infected

How was the US after the World War I?

After World War I the US was split about the Woodrow Wilson giving aid to Germany. Shortly after giving aid to Germany, the Great Depression began.

When did world aid day?

First December of each and every year is the world Aid day.

What is the purpose of the first aid guide i which is included in the first aid kit?

Well, the purpose of the First aid kit guide probably just so you can have a quick look through it if you have trained or is training to be a first aider and could help you along the way! In a lot of places such as schools, construction sites, general industries, etc. first aid treatments training are already being given to employees in case of emergencies but in those industries, first aid kits are already required. "

Who joined World War 1 to aid Belgium?
