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Hebrew society (the society in ancient Israel) was based upon the covenant with God, as set forth in the Torah. There was always a learned class among the Israelites, and virtually all men and boys (and a good percentage of women) could read and write. A portion of each day was spent praying, and another, larger part of the day, was spent studying Torah (by a good part of the populace). Religious questions (and torts) were brought to one of the many Rabbis or Jewish courts. Having a large family was an ideal, as was welcoming guests into the home, giving charity, and other forms of kindness. A portion of crops were given to the poor. The calendar year was replete with the Sabbaths and festivals; and blessings were said before and after eating and on many other occasions.

The more wealthy typically included those close to the king. Middle income could include tradespeople, merchants and artisans; and the least income would be that of unskilled laborers. However, in Israelite society, the Torah and Prophets put so much emphasis on social justice that the people tended to avoid the practice of neglecting the poor or judging people by their financial status. There were twenty-four types of tithe-"taxes" given to the Kohanim; a full ten percent of produce was given to the Levites; and ten percent was given to the poor. The result of all this was that the gap between the wealthy and the rest of the people was much less than in other nations.

As regards Torah-scholarship, anyone could become a great Sage; and in the study-halls, scholars of great wealth and of no wealth sat side by side and learned together.

During the four centuries of the monarchy, the Israelites were led by three distinct people or groups: the king, the Sanhedrin and the Kohen Gadol. (See also Deuteronomy ch.17-18.)

The king conducted the nation and made decisions in most national matters but was not necessarily one of the leading sages. It is noteworthy that although the prophets had no temporal power, they were sent by God not only to exhort the people in general, but also to rebuke the king when needed.

The Sanhedrin (court of Sages) was the final authority on Torah-matters. One of its functions was to ensure that the Torah-traditions were handed down intact from generation to generation.

The Kohen Gadol conducted the observances in the Holy Temple, together with the assistance of the rest of the Kohanim and Levites (Numbers ch.8 and 18; Leviticus ch.21). Though the Kohen Gadol had no formal power outside the Temple, he did have great influence due to the prestige of his position. In times of need, he occasionally dealt directly with foreign monarchs (see Talmud, Yoma 47a and 69b).

When the monarchy ceased at the time of the First Destruction, the prophets pointed out that the reason was that there were some individuals, men with positions of power, who misused that power. As was the case concerning the avoidance of idolatry, not everyone heeded the prophets.

Specifically, the monarchy and its hangers-on, and the public functionaries, included a minority that took advantage of those who had no such power.

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Q: What was the culture during 1 Kings in the Bible?
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