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The cultures in Easter island there are two tribes called hanui momok and huni epea

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2d ago

The culture of Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, was Polynesian. It was characterized by unique art, such as the moai statues, intricate petroglyphs, and a complex oral tradition. The society was hierarchical, with chiefs and clans playing important roles in governing the island.

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Where is history and culture of Easter Island is most closely tied to?

The history and culture of Easter Island is most closely tied to the Moai culture. The first inhabitants were from a Polynesian sub-group. They left behind the mysterious Moai stone statues.

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The Easter Island flag represents the island's history and culture. The white field symbolizes peace and the Rapa Nui people's connection to their sacred lands, while the red emblem represents the reemergence of their culture and the island's cultural rebirth.

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The topic sentence for Easter Island might be: "Easter Island, located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, is known for its mysterious giant stone statues called Moai and its unique culture and history."

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The Polynesians are believed to have settled in Easter Island around 1200 to 1300 AD. They likely migrated to the island by boat, bringing with them their culture, skills, and traditions.

When was Easter Island first inhabited?

Easter Island was first inhabited by Polynesians around 800 AD. They settled on the island and developed a unique culture known for its impressive stone statues called moai.

Who is Papa Moai in Easter Island culture?

hmmm...................... i don't even know what YOU are talking about.

Who were the first inhabitants on Easter Island?

The first inhabitants of Easter Island were Polynesians, believed to have settled on the island around the 13th century. They are thought to have arrived by sea from other Polynesian islands, bringing with them their culture and traditions.

When did the polynesians roughly arrive in Easter Island?

It is estimated that Polynesians arrived on Easter Island around AD 1200-1300. They settled on the island and developed a unique culture that is known for its moai statues and impressive stone structures.

When did people live in Easter Island?

People have lived on Easter Island since around 1200 AD. The island was first settled by Polynesian sailors who arrived by boat, and they developed a unique culture with famous stone statues known as moai.

What describes Easter Island?

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is a remote island in the Pacific Ocean that is famous for its large stone statues called moai. The island is a territory of Chile and is known for its intriguing archaeological sites, unique Polynesian culture, and stunning landscapes. Easter Island faces challenges related to environmental conservation and sustainable tourism due to its isolated location and limited resources.

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the Easter bunny lives on Easter island

How long is Easter island?

The length of Easter Island is 13.5km.