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The deadliest wasv the the one in India (2004)

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Q: What was the deadliest earthquake ever recorded in the 20th century?
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In the 20th century which earthquake has been the most deadliest?

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake is the deadliest

Which earthquake recorded at the highest rating on the Richter scale in the 20th century?

actually, the highest rating was an earthquake in Chili, coming in on a 9.5

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there are no avalanches caused by the weather in the 20th century but

Which earthquake has recorded the highest rating on the Richter Scale in the 20th century?

I have no idea but this website should know. try to find the answer to this answer

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Google it, there are many Earthquake sites!

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The F-4 Phantom II; the last flying ace's of the 20th century.

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The largest earthquake of the 20th Century happened along the coast of South America. It is known as the Great Chilean Earthquake.

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In what year was Mexico citys most devastating earthquake of the 20th century?

It happened on the 19th of September, 1985.

Why 1931 central china flood is the worst natural dasaster?

Because all lot of people died.Plus it considered the deadliest natural disaster recorded in the 20th .

Where does the term divvy come from?

It is a slang shortening of the word 'dividend' or 'divide'. Recorded in the early 20th Century