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the tsunami followed as a result of the earthquake at 3.45 p.m., local time-jst

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Q: What was the difference of time between the earthquake and tsunami of japan?
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Related questions

What happen after the Japan earthquake?

A tsunami hit japan after the earthquake.

When did Japan earthquake happen before or after the tsunami?

The Earthquake occurred before the tsunami as it is what caused the tsunami.

Where was there an earthquake today?

Japan had Tsunami and an Earthquake Kansas had an earthquake

Why did the Japan earthquake and tsunami?

If you mean how then here it is because the earthquake might of happened in the sea and went to japan and then the earthquake was strong enough to make a tsunami

Is there a famous earthquake in japan?

Great East Japan Earthquake / 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

When did Japan have its tsunami?

Just after the Earthquake.

What was the magnitude of the earthquake that caused the tsunami in japan on march 2012?

The Tsunami in Japan in 2011 was caused by an earthquake gesitering a magnitude 9.0.

Was there an earthquake when the tsunami in japan happened?

The tsunami that devastated the Japan coast on March 11, 2011 was triggered by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake.

Which happened first in japan earthquake or tsunami?

Obviously, the earthquake happens first and then tsunami follows.

How much warning was there on the Japan tsunami and earthquake in March 2011?

There was little to no warning about the coming of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 2011.

Did the earthquake in japan occur at the same time as the tsunami?

No, the earthquake in the ocean cause the water to make the tsunami

How bad is the tsunami and earthquake in japan?

the tsunami was caused by an underwater earthquake and it was an 8.9 which is very dangerous and bad