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That they were from different parties so they didn't get along with everything they would say.

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Q: What was the disagreement between lincoln and douglas?
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What were the debates about slavery between Lincoln and Douglas called?

....The Lincoln Douglas Debates

What year were the debates between Lincoln and Douglas?


The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of debates held between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during their campaign for which office?

U.S. senator

What was A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans?

One major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and Radical Republicans is that Lincoln wanted to restore the United States by uniting North and South after the Civil War. Radical Republicans wanted to keep the South and North separate.

How many years passed between the Lincoln-Douglas debates and Lincoln becoming president?

About 2 years.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debate Douglas tried to make Lincoln appear to be?

I think that Lincoln Douglas debate Douglas tried to mak Lincoln appear to be a good dressed guy

What did Abraham and Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debate in the Lincoln Douglas debates?


In the Lincoln-Douglas debates Douglas tried to make Lincoln appear to be?

(an abolitionist)

What was the key issue in the lincoln-douglas debates?

The key issue in the Lincoln-Douglas debates was slavery. Lincoln and Douglas were viewed as contenders for the 1860 presidential election.

When did president Lincoln loose to Stephan A. Douglas?

In the 1858 election for senator. During this event, Lincoln and Douglas held a series of debates, known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Who was in the debate of Election of 1858?

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, hence Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

What business man helped fund for Abraham Lincoln the costs involved with the debates between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in 1858?

At the time, a donation of $1,000 helped Abraham Lincoln with the costs of the famed debates between Lincol and Douglas. It is worth while to point out that in 1858, $1,000 was a good deal of money.