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Q: What was the east confederate army called?
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What was the original name of the Confederate army called the Army of Northern Virginia?

The Confederate army that fought at the First Battle of Bull Run was called the Confederate Army of the Potomac. Later it was renamed to the Army of Northern Virginia.

What was the confederate army called by the union?

The Rebels.

What was the army of the south called in the civil army?

Johnny Rebels NEW RESPONDENT The Confederate Army (CSA Army)

What was the northern army called during the civil war?

Confederate army was the name. They were also called Rebels too.

When did Confederate President Jefferson Davis begin to build the Confederate army?

Provisional Confederate president, Jefferson Davis began the process of building a Southern army in March of 1861. He created the army by calling for 100,000 volunteers to serve for twelve months. This was called the Provisional Army of the Confederate States.

Confederate army defeats a union army?

no the Union army defeats the confederate army

What was the name of the first Confederate army?

Confederate Provisional President Jefferson Davis created the first Confederate army in March of 1861. He called for 100,000 men to serve for twelve months. The army's name was the Provisional Army of the Confederate States. Davis named its first office, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard to the position of brigadier general. He was a USMA graduate.

What side of the war was george pickett on?

Southern Army (also called the Confederate Army, Rebel Army, Gray Coats).

What did the confederate army have over the union army?

The confederate army had better generals

During the civil war what was the southern army called?

Army of Northern Virginia or the Army of Tennessee and Northern armies were called the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the Tennessee.

What were union soldiers called if they enlisted in the confederate army to avoid prison called?

Galvanized Yankees

Why is the north army called the union army?

They fought for the United States (the Union) as opposed to the Confederate States (Confederacy.)