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In English, this escape is known as "The Exodus."

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In English, this escape is known as "The Exodus." In Hebrew it's called Yetzi'at miMitzrayim (יציאת ממצרים)

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Q: What was the escape of the Hebrews from Egypt?
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Why did the Hebrews want to escape from Egypt?

The Hebrews of Moses' time were slaves in Egypt. They wanted to be free in a land they could call their own.

What was involved in the escape of the Hebrews from Egypt?

The Israelites did not escape. They left Egypt in an orderly fashion, with their livestock, after receiving Pharaoh's permission to do so (Exodus ch.12).

This person led the Hebrews in their escape or exodus from Egypt?

Moses, half-brother to Ramses, led the Exodus from Egypt, Land of Captivity.

What are the Hebrews who escape from Egypt?

It depends on what time period you're referring to.

Did the hebrews set up the kingdom of Egypt?

No. Egypt was around thousands of years before the Hebrews ever arrived.

Why is the Exodus from Egypt considered to be a significant event for Jewish and other people?

It is considered to be a event for the jewish and other people because the escape of the hebrews from egytian slavery

What are two theories on why and who the ancient hebrews ended up in Egypt?

There is only one theory (though it's not so much a theory as a tradition): There was famine in the land of Canaan so they moved to Egypt to escape starvation.

What happened to the Hebrews in 1650 BC?

At that time, the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt.

Where did a famine cause the Hebrews to migrate to?

The famine was in the Land of Canaan (later called Israel), and they Hebrews migrated to Egypt.

What was the last society in Egypt?


What role did Hebrews have on Egypt?

They were slaves

What was the Hebrews' position in Egypt?

They were slaves to Pharaoh.