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It took the US 20 BILLION Dollars to develop the bomb.

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Q: What was the exact cost of the atomic bombs in World War 2?
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How much did the atomic bombs uses in world war 2 cost?

they were 2.000 dollars each

How much was spent on the atomic bombs during World War 2?

The US spent 2 billion dollars on the Manhattan Project during WW2, almost all of this was on infrastructure not bombs themselves. Each of the bombs themselves probably cost on the order of a million dollars, although no exact costs have been declassified.

How much money would it have cost to continue fighting World War 2 rather than dropping the atomic bombs?


Did it cost less to drop the atomic bombs?

In fact, it did on counting the human price against the dollar price.

Why did the americans decide to drop the atomic bomb in japan?

The US dropped atomic bombs to end the war.If they didn't, The US would have had to invade Japan. That would have cost hundreds of thousands of American lives.So they dropped two atomic bombs that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian lives.

What was the total cost of the damages in Japan after World War 2?

68 cities were bombed and the last two received atomic bombs. Japan was devastated and it took the US 15 years to rebuild the nation.

More people were killed in air raids than by the two atomic bombs but it was the atomic bomb that was condemnedwhy do you think this is?

More people were killed in air raid because they were used more as the atomic was hard to make and cost more money so using more normal bombs more often would have been cheaper even thought the atomic bombs were a) more powerful, and, b) even thought they killed more people the air raids were more particle.

Why does an atomic bomb cost 23 billion?

It doesn't. The Manhattan Project cost $2 billion, but most of that was for infrastructure not bombs themselves. The 3 devices detonated in WW2 probably cost no more than $1 million each to make. Modern bombs probably cost much less than that. However actual cost figures are still classified.

President Truman dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because he?

Carried out the policy from Roosevelt's term on ending World War II as soon as possible, at whatever cost, and without much regards to means of achieving it.

How much money was wasted on the atomic bomb dropped in japan?

It cost $20,000,000,000 to build the 4,680 bombs in 1945. Two of them were the ones dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What was the official reason for dropping the atomic bombs to end World War 2?

The invasion of Japan would have cost the US one million military lives, it has also been estimated that it would have cost the Japanese at least one million military lives also this does not include the loss of Japanese civilians.

Why should we used atomic weapons against japan in World War 2?

The USA dropped 2 Atomic Bombs on Japan, at Hiroshima, and at Nagasaki. The US used the Atomic bomb to weaken the Japanese military strength as the Japanese still had an army about 5 million strong, but after the strikes the Japanese surrendered unconditionally. The US dropped the bombs in preperation of the proposed invasion of the Japanese mainland. This opertion never happened. The US high command wanted to defeat Japan at the minimum cost of lives as the Japanese army was still strong.