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0* east and 15* north

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Q: What was the exact latitude and longitude of mali in africa?
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What is the latitude and longitude of the empire of Mali?

Mali: 17.851234, -1.705642

What is the latitude and longitude of Mali?

The latitude and longitude coordinates for Mali are approximately 17.570692° N, 3.996166° W.

What continent is 20 degrees north and 0 degrees longitude?

The coordinates 20 degrees north and 0 degrees longitude point to Africa. Specifically, it is near the border of Algeria, Mali, and Niger in the Sahara Desert.

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Is Ghana in the center of the earth in latitude and longitude?

The center of the Earth has no latitude or longitude. Those scales only apply to the surface. -- The Prime Meridian (zero longitude) runs through Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Togo, in Africa, then goes on to pass about 15 miles east of the center of Accra, Ghana. -- The equator (zero latitude) passes about 385 miles south of Accra, in the sea. So that's the point of zero latitude, zero longitude.

Is timbuktu a country?

Timbuktu is not a country. It is a city in Mali, a country in West Africa. Timbuktu is known for its rich history as a center of learning and trade in the region.

What country is located at 20 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees west longitude?

When you give a set of latitude/longitude coordinates, you narrow the spot down to a single point, so it's not possible for a whole country to be there. That point is in southwestern France, about 30.4 miles east-northeast of the center of Bordeaux.

Where is Mali Africa located?

Mali is located in western Africa.

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Which continent is located at the intersection of the 20 N latitude and the prime meridian?

Africa is located at the intersection of the 20 N latitude and the prime meridian. The prime meridian passes through Greenwich, London, and the 20 N latitude runs across the northern part of the African continent.

What is Mali's?

Mali is a country in the continent of Africa

What part of Africa were Ghana and Mali located?

Ghana and Mali were located in west Africa.