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Q: What was the first anesthetic used in field surgery in the civil war?
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Was the first to use ether as an anesthetic agent?

I believe the French were first to utilize Ether as analagesic and anesthetic.

Where did PCP originate from?

PCP the drug phencyclidine was first developed as a veterinary anesthetic.

Who discovered ether?

Ether was first discovered as an anesthetic by dentist William T.G. Morton in 1846. It was first used in surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Who was Robert Liston?

Robert Liston was a Scottish born Britain Surgeon who invented the Linton Splint. He also wrote a few books such as The Elements of Surgery and Practical Surgery. He is said to be the best surgeon of the Victorian Era and is noted for his 30 second non-anesthetic amputation in May,1842. He also was the first surgeon to use a modern anesthetic for surgery in a 27 second amputation in December, 1846.

Why would you like to minimize exposure to anesthetic gases?

There are two major reasons. The first is that anesthetic gases have a very similar effect on humans as they do on animals - you don't want to sedate or anesthetize the humans performing surgery. The second is that anesthetic gases, in large doses or over a long period of time, can have significant health effects. Over many years, persons exposed to large amounts of anesthetic gases have increased risks of pulmonary disease and cancer.

Did they perform open heart surgery during civil war?

No. The first time surgery was performed on a heart, was on the 4th of September 1895, in Oslo, Norway.

What drug was used by modern man as the first anesthetic for surgery?

Anesthetics first got their use with: 1. Natural plants and herbs 2. Alcohol In the B.C.'s there were already anesthetics in use. They would get the subject high or drunk, and then perform the said operation. Mainly, anesthetics were not used until the later 1800's, but if you want to get specific, we could say around the dawn of the Egyptians and the dawn of Native Americans.

When was Chloroform first used?

Chloroform was first used as an anesthetic in 1847.

What year was chlolroform first used during surgery?

Chloroform was first used in a medical context around November 7, 1847 for a dental procedure.Just a few days earlier, it was used as entertainment at a dinner party and discovered to possibly have value as an anesthetic.

Is Corrective surgery always the first option?

"As this query is very vague in the type of surgery being considered, the best advice is to seek an opinion from a health care provider that specializes in the field that the surgery is taking place in."

Anesthetic during pregnancy?

if you use anesthetic with delivery the baby may be alittle sleepy the first day but that's all they do the first week anyway. personal choice. joymaker rn

Who was the first to use erther as an anesthetic agent?

Don't you mean ether? Well, I don't think ether has been used as an anesthetic agent yet.