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On February 23, 1862 Nashville, Tennessee was the first Confederate state capital to fall to the Union.

New Orleans was the first major Confederate city captured, however this was in April 1862.

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Q: What was the first major Confederate city captured in February 1862?
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What was the first major confederate city to be captured by General grant in the civil war?


What was the first major confederate city captured by union forces?

Guess it would be Nashville or Memphis.

What were major Confederate ports during the Civil War?

Charleston, SC New Orleans, LA Galveston, TX (for awhile)

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Nathan Bedford Forrest's achievement in the US Civil War was at Fort Donelson in February of 1862. It happened to also be the first major victory of US Grant. General Grant had the fort surrounded, however, Forrest managed to escape and captured a Union artillery battery as he fled from the doomed fort. His exploits in the Confederate cavalry earned him a promotion to brigadier general in July of 1862.

What forces fought in wars first major battle?

the union and the confederate

Where was the first major battle fought?

First Bull Run (or First Manassas) in Virginia. It was a Confederate victory.

What was the first Confederate city captured during the Civil War?

Originally I asked what was the first large Confederate city to fall in the US Civil War, however, this question may suffice. In terms of a major city, it would be the port city of New Orleans. This was important as it layat the mouth of the Mississippi River. Union Admiral Farragut was in charge of the victorius battle.

The first major battle between union and confederate forces was where?

bull run is where is was fought.

First major battle between union and confederate forces was at?

One of the first major battles in the civil war was the battle at bull run.

What major Confederate military operation took place during the Second Battle of Bull Run?

While Confederate General Robert E. Lee was engaged in the Second Battle of Bull Run, Confederate General Kirby Smith entered Kentucky from Tennessee. He surprised and captured a group of Union recruits at Richmond, Kentucky.

What are confederate victories in the east?

The major Confederate victories in the East were: First Bull Run, Seven Days Battle, Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.

Who were the generals of the battle of chatanooga?

During the First Battle of Chattanooga the generals were: Union Major General Buell and Confederate Brigadier Generals Morgan and Forrest; during the Second Battle: Union Major General Rosencrans and Confederate Braxton Bragg; during the third one: Union Major General Grant and Confederate Braxton Bragg.