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Q: What was the government's attitude toward labor unions before Theodore Roosevelt become president?
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What president established the modern presidency?

Theodore Roosevelt. He is the President that took the USA into the 1900's, and out of it's post Civil War attitude.

What statement best describes the presidential style of Theodore reeosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt's leadership style was known to be very conservative. He was against the large enterprises and his maverick attitude made him stand out.

What attitude did the new deal and president roosevelt take toward unions?

Franklin Roosevelt was supportive of labor unions

What was Theodore Roosevelt's attitude toward the poem the white mans burden?

Theodore Roosevelt had a favorable attitude towards the poem "The White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling. He saw it as a justification for American imperialism and believed in the responsibility of Western powers to civilize and uplift less-developed countries. Roosevelt viewed imperialism as a moral duty and saw the poem as an embodiment of this ideology.

What was the attitude of President Theodore Roosevelt attitude toward big business and nature?

He believed that the federal government should be eliminated and that it was stupid. this is a wrong answer. the facts are that Theodore Roosevelt worked to control business and limit it's size. Because of the legislation pasted in the very early 1900's we have regulations today, to protect how our food, water and limit dangerous/hazardous products or be mislead by false advertising of products being put on the market today. he was known as the trust buster.

What caused union membership to soar in the 1930s?

The union membership soared in the 1930's because president Roosevelt created an Act. Businesses that employed union workers had to bargain with the employees in good faith.

Why did Republican Stalwarts support Taft over Theodore Roosevelt in 1912?

The Republican Party were initially attracted to Roosevelt's charismatic energy and appealing attitude. Roosevelt was passionate about many progressive issues, such as conservation and social justice, however, and became so progressive to the point that he began to displease the more conservative, GOP members. In addition, Taft was the incumbent president and party leader, giving him leverage over Roosevelt, and ultimately earning him the Republican nomination. As a result of this rejection, Roosevelt formed his own political party - the Progressive (Bull-Moose) party.

What statement best expresses Theodore Roosevelt's attitude toward trusts?

Teddy Roosevelt was known for trying to break up the monopolies and trusts in America so that fair business competition was available. Some of his successors in government carried on his work, somewhat unsuccessfully. Chief among these was US President Woodrow Wilson.

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President Harrison favored annexation, but President Cleveland did not.

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President Harrison favored annexation, but President Cleveland did not.

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