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Q: What was the greatest number of deaths titanic or pearl harbor?
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What is the greatest number of deaths in a movie caused by one character and which film is it in please don't tell me that equilibrium has the 3rd most as i have found this already?

1517 deaths were caused by the Helmsman of the Titanic. I'd say that one's pretty hard to beat...

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The U.S Virgin Islands

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White Collar Crime

The greatest number of deaths among Union troops in the Civil War resulted from?

Disease and accidents.

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The greatest threat during a tornado is flying debris, which causes the greatest number of deaths and injuries.

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How many survivors of Titanic were found by lifeboats?

Accounts, based on testimony, vary concerning the number of Titanic survivors pulled into boats but amounts usually cite 12, 13, or 14 people (and deaths of those between three and seven).

How many died on the Maine?

The total number of deaths in the explosion of the American battleship Maine was 266. The ship exploded in the Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898.

What was the serial number of the Titanic?

The serial number of the titanic is 16458990231