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The transatlantic slave trade resulted in the forced enslavement of approximately 12-12.8 million Africans. This led to the loss of culture, identities, families, and generations, and inflicted immeasurable physical and psychological trauma on those who were enslaved. The impact of the slave trade continues to be felt in the descendants of those who were enslaved.

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Q: What was the humans cost of the slave trade?
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Which of these is a long-term cost of the Atlantic slave trade?

One long-term cost of the Atlantic slave trade is the generational impact it had on African families and communities who were torn apart and disrupted. This led to social disintegration, loss of culture and identity, and intergenerational trauma that continues to affect descendants today.

What was the human cost of the slave trade?

The transatlantic slave trade resulted in the forced migration of approximately 12.5 million enslaved Africans to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Millions more died during the capture, transportation, and conditions of enslavement, causing immeasurable human suffering and loss.

Why was there a transatlantic trade in humans?

The transatlantic trade in humans, known as the Atlantic slave trade, was driven by European demand for labor in the American colonies. Africans were forcibly captured and sold into slavery to work on plantations and in mines, providing cheap labor that was crucial for the economic prosperity of European colonizers. This system persisted for centuries, fueled by greed, racism, and the belief in the superiority of certain races.

Whats the difference between African and American slave trade?

The African slave trade involved the capture and forced transportation of Africans to be sold as slaves within Africa and to other regions like the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. The American slave trade refers specifically to the transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of Africans to the Americas to be enslaved on plantations. The American slave trade was a subset of the broader African slave trade.

How were some Africans involved in the slave trade?

Some Africans were involved in the transatlantic slave trade as intermediaries who captured and enslaved people to sell to European slave traders. Additionally, some African rulers and merchants profited from the trade by selling enslaved individuals in exchange for goods and weapons.

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Which of these is a long-term cost of the Atlantic slave trade?

One long-term cost of the Atlantic slave trade is the generational impact it had on African families and communities who were torn apart and disrupted. This led to social disintegration, loss of culture and identity, and intergenerational trauma that continues to affect descendants today.

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How did the end of the international slave trade affect the institution of slave trade?

Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.

When was the abolition of the slave trade?

the slave trade was abolished in 1807.

Which statement accurately describes a long term cost of the Atlantic slave trade?

Entire African societies were destroyed in conflicts with slave traders. APEX

Which type of trade replaced slave trade?

After the trans-Atlantic slave trade was declared illegal and later eliminated, it was replaced by legitimate trade (non-slave trade).

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

The diary entry of a slave in the transatlantic slave trade?

african slave trade was a horrible time

When the international slave trade ended and how did the slave trade continue?

Slave families were split up

When the international slave trade ended how did the slave trade continue?

Slave families were split up

How did the slave trade continue when the international slave trade ended?

Slave families were split up