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The transatlantic trade in humans, known as the Atlantic slave trade, was driven by European demand for labor in the American colonies. Africans were forcibly captured and sold into slavery to work on plantations and in mines, providing cheap labor that was crucial for the economic prosperity of European colonizers. This system persisted for centuries, fueled by greed, racism, and the belief in the superiority of certain races.

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Q: Why was there a transatlantic trade in humans?
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What was the humans cost of the slave trade?

The transatlantic slave trade resulted in the forced enslavement of approximately 12-12.8 million Africans. This led to the loss of culture, identities, families, and generations, and inflicted immeasurable physical and psychological trauma on those who were enslaved. The impact of the slave trade continues to be felt in the descendants of those who were enslaved.

What are similarities between the transatlantic slave trade and the trans Saharan slave trade?

Both the transatlantic slave trade and the trans-Saharan slave trade involved the capture and forced labor of Africans, leading to significant population displacement and cultural disruption. Additionally, both trades were driven by economic interests, with enslaved individuals being treated as commodities. Another similarity is the devastating impact on the African continent, with widespread trauma and long-lasting social implications.

Approximately how many Africans were forced into slavery by slave trade?

It is estimated that around 12.5 million Africans were forcibly transported as part of the transatlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries.

Were the black people in haiti from Africa?

Yes, the majority of the black population in Haiti are descendants of Africans who were brought to the island as slaves during the transatlantic slave trade.

What African crop exported during the triangular trade?

African crops such as rice, sugar, and indigo were exported during the triangular trade. These crops were grown on plantations using the forced labor of enslaved Africans and were sent to Europe and the Americas to fuel the transatlantic slave trade.